Bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in BCAS3 cause a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder
BCAS3 microtubule-associated cell migration factor (BCAS3) is a large, highly conserved cytoskeletal protein previously proposed to be critical in angiogenesis and implicated human embryogenesis tumorigenesis. Here, we established loss-of-function variants as causative for neurodevelopmental disorder. We report 15 individuals from eight unrelated families with germline bi-allelic BCAS3. All probands share global developmental delay accompanied by pyramidal tract involvement, microcephaly, short stature, strabismus, dysmorphic facial features, seizures. The phenotype less severe compared the Bcas3 knockout mouse model cannot explained angiogenic defects alone. Consistent being alleles, observed absence of probands’ primary fibroblasts. By comparing transcriptomic proteomic data based on fibroblasts those model, identified similar dysregulated pathways resulting over-representation analysis, while dysregulation some key interactors could not confirmed. 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Pellets lysed RIPA buffer containing protease inhibitors (Roche) 45 min rotator 4°C. Cell debris pelleted 15,800 4°C min. concentration determined Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit instructions. 10 ?g eluted 5× pink 95°C. Samples separated polyacrylamide gels transferred onto Hypond-P polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (Merck). Membranes blocked milk TBS-T overnight antibodies against rabbit ?-BCAS3 (1:1,000, Bethyl Laboratories), ?-CDC42 (1:5,000, Abcam), ?-Vimentin Signaling Technologies), ?-GAPDH (1:20,000, Meridian Life Sciences) Western Blocking Reagent 4°C, followed washes incubation HRP-conjugated secondary (Jackson ImmunoResearch) 1 h room temperature. Proteins visualized Immobilon chemiluminescent HRP substrate For extraction, lines (F3-II.1 F4-II.1) control (CO-1, female, years old CO-2, male, 22 old) cultivated. independently grown each line (biological replicates, 4 3 samples) QIAGEN RNeasy Mini Kit. quality assessed Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Nano (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, United States). samples had integrity numbers (RIN > 9). NEBNext Ultra II Directional Prep (New Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, States) ng total input library, generated poly(A)+-selected libraries manual. sequenced Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform paired-end mode 2 51 bp reads depth approximately million clusters each. same individual, design aimed minimize introduction technical batch effects chosen. raw (RNA-seq) FASTQ files ReadQC (v.2019_11) identify potential cycles low average base distribution bias. Reads preprocessed SeqPurge aligned STAR (v.2.7.3a), allowing spliced read alignment reference (build GRCh37). 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Target-decoy strategy increased confidence large-scale 4: 207-214Crossref (2610) algorithm enabled, matches runs22Schwanhäusser Busse Dittmar Schuchhardt Wolf Selbach Global mammalian control.Nature. 473: 337-342Crossref (3608) Scholar,23Luber C.A. Lauterbach Fancke Tschopp Akira Wiegand Hochrein O’Keeffe Quantitative subset-specific viral recognition dendritic cells.Immunity. 279-289Abstract (415) intensities quantification. Downstream bioinformatics analyses (two-sample t tests volcano plots) Perseus v. Data contaminants reverse entries. Ontology pathway RNA-seq WEB-based toolkit 2019 (WebGestalt).24Liao Jaehnig E.J. Shi Zhang WebGestalt 2019: revamped UIs APIs.Nucleic Acids W199-W205Crossref (590) (ORA), selected “Biological Process noRedundant” category. As list, significant up- downregulated S3) used. genes/proteins data, respectively, Both knockdown crosses Instant Medium (Carolina). Crosses up 25°C 29°C kept incubators 12-h day-night cycle. following utilized this study: UAS-RNAi rudhira, UAS-rudhira-RNAi-a (Bloomington Stock [BDSC] #51691, RNAi inserted 3rd chromosome) UAS-rudhira-RNAi-b (Vienna Resource [VDRC ID dna9673]); GAL4 driver elav-Gal4 (BDSC #8765, BDSC #5144), D42-Gal4 #8816), Appl-Gal4 (from Aaron Voigt, Department Neurology RWTH Aachen University); rudhira-RNAi-a #36304, TRiP background attP40 chromosome); UAS-GFP-RNAi #9331, GFP 2nd second line. To generate transgenic line, diluted construct received VDRC (1 ?L ?50–100 ng/?L stock) adding TE mixed thoroughly. DH5?-competent transformed mixture. Agar plates ampicillin plated 37°C. Individual colonies picked inoculated plasmid purification. Purified sent Bestgene (BestGene, embryo microinjection. unravel disorder, F1, F2, F3 (Figure 1) WES. molecular these families. WES next screened variants, heterozygous, variants. Independently, families, predicted identified, namely, stop-gain c.73C>T (p.Gln25?) (GenBank: NM_001099432.3) F1 c.726T>G (p.Tyr242?) c.1457C>G (p.Ser486?) F2 F3, respectively. absent in-house databases public (not present gnomAD v.2.1.1 v.3).25Karczewski K.J. Francioli Tiao Cummings B.B. Alföldi Q. Collins R.L. Laricchia K.M. Ganna Birnbaum D.P. al.Genome Aggregation Database ConsortiumThe mutational constraint spectrum quantified variation 141,456 humans.Nature. 581: 434-443Crossref (1481) gnomAD, observed/expected (o/e) ratio 0.31 (0.22–0.47) hints intolerance alleles segregated accordance expectations healthy family members 1A). GeneMatcher platform,26Sobreira Schiettecatte Valle Hamosh GeneMatcher: matching connecting investigators interest gene.Hum. Mutat. 36: 928-930Crossref (624) matched responsible GENESIS database, Solve-RD Munich (EVAdB), (BH-CMG) 100KGP, GeneDx, Queen Square additional strengthen evidence genotype-phenotype association. way, able five total, studied 1A), six latter anticipated given historical reports consanguinity majority very (minor [MAF] 0.01% gnomAD). residues (phyloP 100-way 7.49 9.48) silico prediction scores (CADD 26.4 24.1) 1B, S1). F8-II.1, combined trio led intragenic spanning exons 13 23 (chr17: g.60921177_61232193del [c.994?3230_2426?136134del]) maternally near splice-site bases (c.2074+4_2074+7delAGTA). genomes father sequencing. Breakpoint locations microhomology Alu-LINE (long interspersed nuclear element) rearrangement27Song Beck C.R. Du Coban-Akdemir Gu Breman A.M. Stankiewicz Ira Lupski J.R. Predicting susceptible instability Alu/Alu-mediated rearrangements.Genome 1228-1242Crossref (35) mechanism harboring presented characteristic core (GDD), stature 1, Figure 2A). At time examination, 19 months age. GDD (ID) (F3-II.2 too young formally diagnosed ID). Ten minimal vocabulary (between words), four never learned speak. motor involvement hyperreflexia spasticity lower limbs (15/15), dystonic dyskinetic movements (5/15). 14 achieved ability walk, although milestone significantly delayed. Regression abilities starting ages older probands. Seizures 7 probands—two febrile convulsions tonic tonic-clonic Only one pharmaco-resistant epilepsy.Table 1Clinical findings variantsF1-II.1F1-II.2F2-II.2F2-II.3F2-II.7F3-II.1F3-II.2F4-II.1F5-II.1F5-II.2F6-II.1F6-II.2F7-II.1F7-II.2F8-II.2F9-II.1cDNA NM_001099432.3)c.73C>T, homc.73C>T, homc.726T>G , homc.1457C>G, homc.[1700C>T]; [1729G>A]c.2227C>T, homc.2227C>T, homc.1133delT, homc.530delT, homc.2074+4_2074+7delAGTA; intragentic
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عنوان ژورنال: American Journal of Human Genetics
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['0002-9297', '1537-6605']